Monday 16 November 2015

Hooray for Religious Bigots

The other day I was given a religious leaflet which I actually read. Amongst many other things it mentioned homosexuality as a sin. I didn't know that it was still legal to express such a view. No doubt, before long, it will have been declared illegal by the heresy hunters. I was surprised, but also delighted too. How lovely, I thought, that someone still regards certain sorts of fun as being naughty.
For surely being naughty was a large point of dressing up as a member of the opposite or indulging in same sex love.
How can a Gay be gay if everything is permitted, and whatever you do there is no escape from dull conformity?
Its no longer possible to say that certain behaviours are undesirable. We must approve of everything.
People who have a moral code of any sort, not just sexual, are regarded as dinosaurs at best.
Yet a society defines itself by its ethics.
What the politically correct establishment is trying to do is to wipe out society. This is quite evident in Ireland and Scotland, and increasingly so in England. Although it is illegal to insult Islam, it is almost obligatory to insult Christianity, thus using the one to demolish the other.
The question is whether Islam will adapt itself to its totalitarian Saudi model and become the religion of the State, or whether, once the Christians are destroyed, it too will be abolished. My guess is the latter, as even totalitarian Islam has concepts of family and loyalties beyond the State.
A society without its own ethic, that believes that the ethics of other societies have equal validity is a dead society.
In such a society such people have no freedom. Every inch is colonized - food, drink, thought, speech, security guards, cameras, commissars, random trials, no presumption of innocence.
There is only one law - to obey.
Hooray for religious bigots! Hooray for people with their own point of view!

Thursday 12 November 2015

Feminism and Feminazism

What is the difference between Feminism and Feminazism?
Often we hear people claiming to be against feminism whereas they are in fact against feminazism.
I think of myself as a feminist. Why? I am a little sceptical about the alleged pay gap for one thing, and I believe that many, if not most women, are happier in a traditional family structure. Yet still I believe myself to be a Feminist.
A Feminist believes that in capitalist bureaucratic statist society a woman's contribution is devalued and that she is kept in tutelage to men. Her role is to be meek, obedient, submissive, pleasing and unagressive, a passive victim. Feminists believe that this must change.
Feminazis, on the other hand, believe that this must continue, that a woman must continue to be meek, obedient, submissive, pleasing and unagressive, and continue in tutelage, not to men, but to the State.
More specifically still, a Feminazi wishes to maintain the existing structures of Patriarchy through an ideology of biological determinism. If identity politics is the hallmark of Fascism, then biological determinism is the very foundation of Nazism.
Feminazis will tell you that men are more agressive, or more violent than women, and that this is due to something in their DNA or some chemical such as testosterone.
Apparently African American men have more testosterone than European American men.
So what conclusion are we to draw?

Wednesday 11 November 2015

Seeds Of Dictatorship

Yesterday, when discussing a news item in a language class, I was told that I was talking rubbish. This is the second time this year that an ignoramus has insulted me in this way. I have also been told that I am prejudiced. Unfortunately such ignorance still shocks me and angers me, but I am having to get used to it. Usually, in each group there is at least one self appointed bigot who loudly proclaims the orthodoxy and who insults dissidents. And usually, when pressed to say why such an opinion is rubbish they refuse to do so. In this instance the young fanatic replied, after showing initial unwillingness. Apparently scientific research shows that men are more aggressive and violent than women. I replied that this was simply gender racism. The next step is claiming that the races are biologically different. Perhaps the Chinese have a cunning gene etc. etc.
He went on to tell me that poor people were more likely to be criminals, and poor men abusers of  women and children. Class racism as well as gender racism!
And then we heard how backward peoples were more likely to be abusers than people in an advanced country like we are, here and now. Gosh, I thought, pure racism!
He went on to call for more social workers to 'help' the poor, which another young person endorsed fully.
I tried to explain that this would only lead to a police state. They seemed not to be concerned about the State monitoring our private lives, nor that alleged abusers should be presumed guilty.
And saddest of all the older people were either quietly supportive, or at least silent.
Do people really support the insanity of the orthodox ideology? Clearly some university indoctrinated idiots do. But the older people, can they not remember happier freer times? Do they too now believe the fantasy world of phantoms and witches? Or are they too scared to disagree.?
My humble opinion is that they lost the capacity for critical thought long ago. Not only do they take their cue from the media as to what they think, but what they should think about. Do they ever get tired off  transgender folk and autistic spectrum disorders?
Meanwhile Rome burns.